[Glasses] Hublot new arrivals

Hello everyone !

This is nakanishi from ai isuzu east .

We will introduce new products more and more this year, so please look forward to it (^^)

In 2020, the first introduction is Hublot glasses! !


Model: H0270 (upper) / H0280 (lower)

Color: 009.075 (upper) / 071.078 (lower)

Size: 52□19-145 (upper) / 51□21-145 (lower)

Price: ¥98,000 + tax

It is a model using the brand icon "H type screw"! !

Previous models also use H-type screws, but this time, by embedding H-type screws, it is designed so that it will not get caught when touched.

This model is also published in magazines.

It's a simple model that can be worn by anyone, but the brand icon has a big impact.

Speaking of Hublot, it's still a watch, but...

We also have a wide range of eyewear, so please visit our store.

HUBLOT eyewear stores
For more information on EYE EYE ISUZU east, click here.


aye isuzu east
1523-3 Tahishitamachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
TEL 087-864-5775
Business hours/AM11:00~PM8:00